Thornhill Court, Crescent Road, N8
£425,000Interested in this Property?
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Stamp Duty on Property | |
Purchase Price | £425,000 |
Stamp Duty (First Time Buyer) | £0 |
Stamp Duty (Not First Time Buyer)* | £8,750 |
*Additional stamp duty is applicable on buy-to-let investments and second homes
Property Description
- 1 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathrooms
- 1 Receptions
Set within this attractive and intimate purpose built block is this recently refurbished, ground floor apartment. Ideally located within a moments’ walk of Crouch End Broadway on the preferred Highgate side on this highly desirable residential road.
Comprising one-bedroom, reception, separate kitchen, and shower room. Further benefitting from beautifully maintained front and rear communal gardens and own garage.
Local Authority: Haringey
Council Tax Band: B
Additional Information
- Recently refurbished, one bedroom, ground floor apartment
- Moments’ walk of Crouch End Broadway
- Highgate side on this highly desirable residential road
- Bedroom, reception, separate kitchen and shower room
- Beautifully maintained front and rear communal gardens and own garage
Property Location
Nearest Train Stations
Nearest Airports
- London City Airport (LCY)
- London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
- London Luton Airport (LTN)